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fusion.ssg requires Node.js to be installed. It also requires that you have TypeScript globally installed on your system.
Beginning with v1.0.0, fusion.ssg no longer includes a project generator in its package and no longer provides the ability to create new projects directly through its CLI. Instead, the creation of fusion.ssg projects now requires a separate module, fusion.fpg, to be installed globally. Please read Project Generator for more information about the new project generator, fpg.
The following will guide you through installing both fusion.ssg and fusion.fpg, fusion.ssg's project generator.
Install fusion.ssg
Run the following in your terminal to install fusion.ssg
npm i -g @4awpawz/fusion.ssg
Install fusion.fpg
Run the following in your terminal to install fusion.fpg
npm i -g @4awpawz/fusion.fpg
Now that you have installed all the required packages, you can now create your very first fusion.ssg project by following the instructions found in Project Generator.