We are working very hard to bring you the best documentation possible.
Introduced in v1.0.0
Every website should have a 404.html page to inform its visitors that the page they are seeking doesn't exits. As such, fusion.ssg provides supports for the generation and correct placement of 404.html documents.
During each build cycle, when fusion.ssg finds a template named 404.md or 404.html, it will serialize the generated 404.html document into the root of the build folder for development builds, and into the root of the build/{baseURL} folder for release builds when baseURL is defined in fusion.json, the project's configuration file.
Introduced in v1.3.0
Beginning with v1.3.0, fusion.ssg will issue a warning during each build cycle when it determines that your project doesn't contain a 404.html document.

Beginning with fusion.ssg v1.3.0 the warning about a missing 404.html file is no longer implemented in browsersync.js, and is handled internally by fusion.ssg. If you are upgrading a project to v1.3.0 or greater then you should remove the following from your project's browsersync.js file which is located in your project's root folder:
console.log(chalk.yellowBright("Warning: this site is missing a 404.html doc - using default 404.html."));